attachMovie nightmare

“nightmare” is a bit dramatic… but I have a mc that onRelease invokes attachMovie as such:

mc.onRelease = function() {

_root.attachMovie(“popUp_symbol”, “popUp”, 52,
{_x: 155, _y: 575});

popUp.slide(popUp, 320, 308, 5);


the slide method works, but when I try to invoke events on the mc, it doesn’t worK;

popUp.onPress = function() { // this won’t work

it only works if i initially attachMovie on the timeline, and not from within the event handler. Sooo, I understand that attachMovie returns a reference to the MC placed on the stage- I’ve tried this:

mc.onRelease = function() {

var popUp_mc:MovieClip = _root.attachMovie(“popUp_symbol”, “popUp”, 52,
{_x: 155, _y: 575});


… and later:


… but still nothing. Assigning it to a glbal variable doesn’t work either. Please help me! Thank you.