attachMovie({Stuff}), setInterval, and functions

I have a question regarding the things I mentioned in the topic title.

I have a movie I’m attaching with attachMovie.

Essentially, the AS looks like this:

_root.attachMovie("idname", "newName", depth, {property:value, seti:setInterval(myFun, 500), myFun: function(){functionStuff}});


Obviously I’ve dumbed it down a bit, but for what I’m asking that doesn’t matter. Can I create a setInterval and the function it calls inside attachMovie and expect it to work? I’m wondering because if I can, then there’s something else I need to fix in my code.


Edit… I don’t think it’s possible… I tried

_root.attachMovie("mcID", "mc_mc", 50, {mcFunc:function () {
}, mcSet:setInterval(mcFunc, 500)});
pooFunc = function(){
mcSet = setInterval(mcFunc, 500);

Of course, the AS outside of the attachMovie worked, but not the stuff inside it.

I’m still open for input :slight_smile: