I’m new to attachMovie and have a question (or lots!).
I have a button that when pressed, will load a movie that I can then drag around.
here’s the actionscript on my button (“FFC_frame” is the name and Identifier name of the movie clip I’m loading, FFC_frame2 I think is the new movie it actually loads, then i have a startDrag that works fine, and a stopDrag that doesn’t work at all):
on (release) {
attachMovie(“FFC_frame”, “FFC_frame2”, 1);
FFC_frame2._x = 100;
FFC_frame2._y = 100;
Here’s what I’d like to do (and I don’t think I’m going about it the right way):
I want to load the movie when the button is clicked.
I want to drag the movie clip only when it is clicked and moved (mouse down on the clip) and I want the movie clip to stop dragging when the mouse button is released (so it can be places anywhere within the flash movie).
Finally, I’d like a way to unload or “close” the movie clip when a certain part of it is pressed (like a “close” button)
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Attached is a Flash 8 file (that’s why I included the AS code above in this message).