Attacing MC to button (on release)

hmm if someone could help me with this it would be much appreciated!

I have a photo gallery, when you click a thumbnail, the larger photo appears.

What i want to do is attach a white fade out movie clip to each thumbnail, so if the user clicks the thumbnail, it loads the white fade out clip (so the largeimages fades to white), THEN proceeds to frame __ where the next large image is.

aanyone? ;(


Could you explain this better. I am confused.

howabout this…

when the button is clicked, it sets “photonum” equal to a certain number, like let’s say a picture of flowers.

So you have an mc that has a white fade out clip, and when it’s all whited out, you could reference another mc that has the images, like frame one == bees, frame two == birds, frame three== flowers…

so when the white is full, have that keyframe say like “imagemc.gotoAndPlay(photonum)” which’ll change the image to the desired one…

kinda complex…kinda confusing…lemme know if you want me to build a mini one to give ya an idea…