hey guys, i was wondering if anyone give a me a little help. i have started making an intro into a site and i have a crosshair that replaces the standard cursor and a gun follows the cursor but wat i need to know is how do i make it so i can make bullet holes on the screen? (anywhere on the screen)\rcheers guys…
jeremydecker.s5.com/bullet_holes.swf\r[url=“http://jeremydecker.s5.com/bullet_holes.fla”]jeremydecker.s5.com/bullet_holes.fla\r\rthe sound is from counter-strike and all copyrights belong to those counter-strike guys.\r:) \rjeremy
Hey that’s seriously cool!!! I like it
thanks lobstar!\rbut did that answer the question itchy?\r:) \rjeremy
sifiniti ur a f-ing legend…cheers dude…that was sooo helpful…\rhey can i have ur email cos wen i finish with my site i’ll giv u the address (in progress now)…