
i was wondering if you where to do some spring cleaning here if it would make it faster for some users. i was browsing through the members section and i noticed that there where inactive members. if you where to delete them would it have any effect on the load speed. just a suggestion, if it ever came down to load speed for some users.


thats unpossible…


p.s. did anyone see the new stuff on the main site? the header looks new and purdy

yea it looks really good=)

kirupa is one of the faster Flash forums out there. Have you been to FK lately? shriek … though they are a LOT better than what they used to be. Still, FK is a far cry from the speed Kirupa gets. Much of this is due to the fact that the Kirupa forums still arent that popular (especially in terms of FlashKit) so the serverload is way less.

I seriously doubt the inactive users really have much of any toll on normal thread browsing… still, a little cleaning of those turds up wouldnt hurt I suspect :slight_smile: Afterall, it would make the members list more navagatable… nava… navaga… … easier to view.

is it holding up his bandwidth?

laughs at sen’s post

“Afterall, it would make the members list more navagatable… nava… navaga… … easier to view.”

Yeah, i don’t think it makes a difference speedwise. There’s just a few bits of info a-piece. More memory than speed.

Hey Aislin,
No, the inactive members don’t do anything but take up a few lines of data on a database with all the forum information. As long as they stay inactive, they are no burden on the forums.

This is one of the faster ones I have seen, and with the move to MT, it is also more stable. It’ll be a short (hey, it could happen) while before it gets more popular than were-here or flashkit, but when that happens, undoubtedly this server will also suffer some slowdowns as well. Just a touchy part of a server’s life that can’t be easily cured hehe.

Kirupa :cool:

what will happen when the fourm gets alot more people then it already has? :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll have to do what any decent online community does - start to randomly ban people. Since we can’t get Stalin, I’ll get eilsoe - the closest thing to a general we have - to pull the ban trigger on whomever he wishes at any time. :skull:

runs and hides!!


which MT package do you have? Do you have separate accounts with MT for and

so many moving circle footers here :crazy:

lol im changing my right now.:geek:

yeah, and mine has nothing to do with kirupa’s thing… it’s the theme for my personal site…
… wow, and it’s incredibly slow for some reason… it’s the first time I’ve seen it do that…

Hey lava,
Yes - two separate mt servers for both the site and the servers.

Kirupa :rambo:

Actually… Kirupa… Just to give you a good idea…

Seeing as how alot of the posts near the end of this forum list are pretty much unnecesary… I’d write a script to go along wiht the forums that says…

“When this forum gets up to this many posts… Start lopping off a new post at the very very end of the forum listing… The ones nobody sees”

That way it would create less of a problem with loading speeds and everything.