Attribute Issues

Erm, trying to grab the attributes of a node, and can’t target it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <scoreboard url="simpleScoreboard.jsp"/>
       <folder url="media/headers/" count="10" prefix="header_bg_" suffix=".jpg" override="false" startTime="10" />
       <abc foreground="media/headers/abcForeground.swf" foreground2="media/headers/abcForeground2.swf" background="media/headers/abcBackground.swf" on="true" />
      <geoTarget countryCode="US" swf="media/hdr_trades.swf" link="entry.point?target=z&source=foo" />
      <geoTarget countrycode="other" swf="" link="" />

The only data I need to parse is

      <geoTarget countryCode="US" swf="media/hdr_trades.swf" link="entry.point?target=z&source=foo" />
      <geoTarget countrycode="other" swf="" link="" />

The rest isn’t being used.

What’s annoying is

        for (attr in adXMLNode.firstChild.attributes) {
            trace(attr+" = "+adXMLNode.firstChild.attributes[attr]);

Will trace the url attribute of the first node but I can’t find the correct targetting for the node I need.

I’ve been using AS 3 to do all my XML stuff but I can’t use AS 3 for this project unfortunately and I don’t really get it with AS 2.

Anyway any help would be huge right now.

Thanks guys!