Nice work. But there some small things i think you can work on. The frontgrill is to edgy. Try to smooth that out. Whats that shiny thing in the middle of the front window? Looks a bit of. Besides that nice work. What program do you use? Maya, 3D Studio Max?
LOL hybrid, just because i dont answer immediately doesnt mean im guilty and have ran away so i dont have to explain myself… I dont refresh all the time.
I’ve heard of double posting, but penta-posting? (penta is 5 right? :lol:) You seem to be easily upset. Mind posting a screenshot of you editing it in 3DS workspace?
haha prove myself… pen took those explanations out of his ***…
yea thats a person, I also see jesus on my toast. I dont see how you can get a human being out of a blob.
I cant even find a “grand turismo model viewer” on yahoo. im not even sure iteven exists…
model viewer? if its a model viewer not editor how the hell did I manage to take out there mirrors turned down the smoothing to 1 iterations, have no windsheild wipers… I have not played any of the recent GT games but i dont think they use HDRI as a lighting source.
So now anybody with some sort of knowledge come to my defence…
Hey man cool down… your work is good… just needs some modifications…
if you made it why are you so much upset as you already know u did it… World is round and car modelling is one of the major areas of 3d work… so it’s quite possible to get striking resemblence…
so it’s not bad if somebody asks you to post mesh… or feel ego heart…
Again good work and I hope you improve day by day in your work…best wishes…
I can see the point about the person. If u assume he is wearing a baseball cap it kinda looks like a person, but just becuase a person is there doens’t mean its from GT4, if you use a reflective lighting source in HDRI then it reflects that source as the environment. SO clouds on the bonnet (reflection of the sky) and person in the wing (relfection of the surroundings)
Anyway I’d be proud if someone thought my skills were upto one of the best driving games ever produced. So I guess some people are naturally sceptical. So just post a wire render to prove them wrong, then we can all live happily ever after. Even better teach me how to do it so well (-:
Very nice work, you really do know your 3D stuff my friend. I’d love to see other views of this very nicely crafted machine. Very nice work, keep it up.