Audio experiments in flash

hi all. just got my first flash site where i will be attempting to explore audio interactivity within flash. would love to get everyones feedback.


cool… didn’t hear any noise, didn’t know what to do (dumb linux) but it’s looks great!!!

me and sound don’t go well. lol

I have tried just about everything to preload (with percent bar) my sound objects for 2 months now, no luck. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t hear any sound either, but the site looks good and has a good color scheme.

firstly, datapimp - kode helped me with a cool preload solution as sound usually loads first the preloader. search this forum for loading components and you should find solution.
secondly there isnt any sound until you start. its also designed in stereo as a fottnote. there are four images up top right hand. click on these and apps will load. once they have loaded anything visible can either be dragged, clicked, respond to keyboard or follow maouse. i.e. No. 1 - drag the balls over boxes, sliders adjust their distance, No. 2 -hit your keyboard. No.3- stereo duplication of rain. No. 4 follows mouse. try this out. if you still have problems please let me know what system, computer, etc you use cause others havent had any problems thus yet.
cheers guys!


That’s fun. I had problems with the first one being too slow,and the fourth one wouldn’t come up.

file size is too much
i’m not sure every visitor waits that much
did you try streaming

yeah. i thought about that. also, im running a 56kb modem so i too got frustrated with the fact i was releasing a 1.7mb swf. it was something i debated about. in that piece i was experimenting but im also using it as a tool to say some things i really wanted to say. i was torn between integrity to the piece and myself, and user friendliness. i opted for the integrity in hope most people will have cable. the first piece, the balls do seem to move slow around the stage and i couldnt do anything to solve that. very frustrating :slight_smile: i think that fla is going to get a re-working in the coming weeks

love to all

Good work.

I’m on cable modem and even with my wireless signal being at 100% it’s still slow… I think the biggest problem is that when you change the numbers on the first one, the balls stick to the stage for a long while before you’re able to move them again. I think (and I’ve only started to learn scripting so i have no idea) that that has to do with the number of calculations flash has to make in order to change the width of the balls.

you should make it to it has the hand icon on things you can drag etc. I wasnt really sure what to do sometimes. (the one where you have to drag the balls)

i REALLY like the train scene…it’s like you were able to manipulate sound like the images in the alpha-fade tutorial

good job man :slight_smile:


cheers everyone. skiistari - that was a bug that i am trying to pass off as deliberate. you blew my cover :slight_smile: j/k i created it then realised that the balls only respond to sliders after you have clicked and released the balls. this is a problem i couldnt fix.

due to responses i have made a minor change. i have decided to put a little bit of info on there so people know what is going on. i really didnt want to do this but since its my first site and im unemployed, i cant afford people walking away thinking “what the hell was that?”. this brought about an issue ive always been thinking. warning: rant coming on! when do we stop designing “down” to people? designers have spent soo many years walking people through sites that i think our inquisitive nature is being subdued and the users intelligence is decreasing when it comes to userbility.

thanks to everyones input.

tan, I agree about the “dumbing down” thing. People would go to my site and “not know what to do” because the buttons aren’t “directly” labeled. (you can check it out on my footer.) I mean I can kind of see what people are talking about… but I LIKE the feeling of exploration, not necessarily knowing what you are getting into. I can see why a church that wants a web page wants a straightforward design, simple, standard, etc. but yeah, I don’t really know where I’m going with this…

I love your experiments, awesome stuff! =)

APD i checked your site and i agree. i would prefer it without the information box on the right. thing that annoys me, using my 2nd app on my site as an example. when it loads its boxes. they do nothing there is no sound, clicking on them does nothing and they cant be dragged. if somebody hits their keyboard all of a sudden it would come to life. my point? clicking, dragging even smashing, is not going to blow up your computer or the world. i cant understand why people dont go through a process of trying everything before giving up. i find things more rewarding if i work it out myself. even if the computer does blow up at least you have done something that works!
