Audio: Speakers/Headphones?

Ok this may seem pretty lame to quite a lot of u.
but i am having this little problem with my new machine.
how can i plug my headfones and speakers in it at the same time.
i need to unplug the speakers jack to plug in the headfones jack.
but it gets tedious if u have to do it over n over again.
plus my CPU casing has two sockets for the jacks on its side in the front; along with the usb ports. but ive tried plugging in the headfones in them but they dont seem to work…
need help fast with this…

and another thing… this is just something i thought of…
what if i join the cable of the speaker and the headfones… so that they both have one jack… and i could plug it in…
but my only concern is that… the speakers use power… where has headfones dont…
so any ideas over this? i dont want to fry my computer