How does one make a .swf or .exe file autorun from a cd?
thanks in advance
tis cool i’ve found a way, hopefully it’ll work
This tutorial will show you, step by step, how to create an autorun for your .exe projector when distributed on cd-rom. In order to do this:
1. Open up trusty ol' Notepad and type in.
[autorun] open=intro.exe icon=icon.ico2. Replace 'intro.exe' with the file name of your .exe movie, and 'icon.ico' with the name of your custom icon if you have one. If not remove the line 'icon=icon.ico'.
3. Save type as an "All Files (*.*)" with the filename autorun.inf.
4. Burn your cd with the autorun.inf, icon.ico (if any), and projector .exe in the root directory of the cd. When you enter the cd into the drive, it will automatically run your .exe file.
Have fun!