I wasn’t sure where to put this post. I hope this is the right place.
This is what I want to do:
On screen resolutions up to 800x600, I want my Flash movie to resize to 100% width and height of the browser window. On screen resolutions higher than 800x600, I want the Flash movie to be a fixed size (say 800px x 600px exactly).
Uh… the problem is that on resolutions 640x480, and 800x600, you can’t have the website/flash movie be 800x600 or you’ll have scrollbars… thus I need the movie to be smaller, ie: 100% the size of the browser (which would probably be something like 635x400 and 755x550 or something, but not guaranteed b/c people’s chromes are different sizes depending on their browser) but, after 800x600 (like 1024x768), 800x600 for the flash movie size works fine - and thus I want it a fixed size (maybe bigger than 800x600, just using it as an example).