Auto-sizing of HTML fed dynamic text fields

Hello –

Having a problem. Hope someone can help.

I have text fields being fed by external HTML formatted text.

This was done so that the client could simply add stuff to the external text document and have the text box fill in automatically.

Cool. It loads… however… I cannot figure out how to make the dyn txt field automatically grow in height to accomodate more/ perhaps unlimited/ scrolling text that gets added to the document. using the autoSize property and setting it to true or “center” does not work…

Anyone have any ideas? As it is… I have to draw out the big text field and this is the only viewable area that gets filled by text. The field will not stretch to add more text blocks.

Please help if you can… been banging my head over it for 2 days now. Oh yes… this is Flash MX not MX 2004.



Try setting its [font=courier new]_height[/font] property equal to its [font=courier new]textHeight[/font] property. I think it should work. :slight_smile: