Auto Unload of External Image

Hi All,
I’m absolutely new with ActionScript 3.0, but however, i have to make a script with three steps.

  1. CountDown
  2. TouchCounter
  3. ImageLoader + Auto ImageUnloader

I made the first two and the third in some part.

var TouchCounter:uint = 0;
touch_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Toucher);
function Toucher(event:MouseEvent):void
TouchCounter += 1;
count_txt.text = String(TouchCounter);
var ExternalIMG1:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“ONE_LINE.JPG”);
var ExternalIMG2:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“ATOMIC.JPG”);
var myLoader1:Loader = new Loader();
touch_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Counter);
myLoader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, ImageShow);
function Counter(event:MouseEvent):void
function ImageShow(event:Event):void
myLoader1.x = 0
myLoader1.y = 135

Everytime i touch a Button, named touch_button, it counts +1. On every count i need to display one external Image, witch must be automatically unloaded after 2 seconds. Coz my script for this unload is too stupid i will not share it, but i tried almost everything.
On fifth Touch i need to load a second Image and i load it It needs to stay on display forever and it stays. After then i have to continue counting and loading and unloading after 2 seconds of first image.

I’ll be very thankful, if you halp me, because i tried for 5 days and nothing happend!