I’m pretty new to Flash coming from a C#/C++ background. I’m not sure if this a question for the IDE section or the AS3 section, but I’ll ask it first here. I have a large and growing number of assets I need to use in my project (several hundred now, likely to eventually be several thousand). These assets are almost all vector art generated in Illustrator. I need to retain them in vector format because they get resized a lot, and the vector format keeps them looking so sharp.
However, each time I import one I have a process to go through:
- Import the asset to a library.
- Place the asset on the stage and resize it down to a scale that will work for me.
- Convert the asset to a symbol which includes:
a) Exporting it for ActionScript
b) Changing the base class for my asset to a custom class.
c) Moving it to the appropriate folder. - Removing the symbol from the stage.
I’m having to repeat this process for every asset I want to import and it’s very tedious.
I know that I can import bitmap assets from ActionScript, but I haven’t found a way to do this for vector (AI) assets. Is there a way to script Flash to do this? A way to do it from ActionScript?