a few days ago I asked for ideas for an Avatar and Footer…everyone was too tired then…still tired people?
Avatar? Footer? Falls asleep (-_-)zZzZz
good idea phil thumbs up i dont know who Mr Clippit is though :-\ might take me a while to do though…
lol @ do i live in tibet yeah i know the little paper clip guy from word…just didn’t know his name…he never formally introduced himself to me
yeah it would be fun i just had an idea…you could have the Mr Clippit bounce along and then have him ask all these questions at once…then a hammer pops up…disappears again…and then comes crashing down on Mr Clippit, squashing him lol :evil:
whats any good? :-\
oh sorry, i was a bit confused…thought you meant is my animation any good (haven’t done it yet)…yet its a great idea!!
i didnt pick my nick for those reasons though…
hehehe my fav band
nope but i will now
just get a pic of the aussie flag and post it or is there something already here on kirupa for that?
ok thanks i’ll go check it out but if i get called for dinner i’ll do it after then