Just wondering if there are any rules with avatars? Size etc? Thanks.
the forum only allows 50x50, and jpeg or gif.
the only limit is your imagination. Animated gifs can be extremely annoying when one posts several times in a thread, as well.
Common sense is really all that is needed.
alright thanks for that…i might make a new one and then have a poll and see what people like…
rev has had some of the more annoying avatars in the past
ooooooooo do tell…? =) what are the annoying ones?
I wouldn’t say that they’re annoting, per se… Just that they change every couple of days.
I think it’s to keep us all interested and reading his posts. So at the moment, we have a picture of Rimmer. But next it could be a tadpole, you just never know.
yeah, or those phreaky distorted women
I’ve told you before, I’m not posing for any more avatars… Whoops, my bad. =)
*Originally posted by TOOL *
**Just wondering if there are any rules with avatars? Size etc? Thanks. **
all avatars:
- must not exceed 15K in file size
- be ovular in shape (perfect circles not included)
- must be in shades of pink ONLY
- and must, in some way, depict a, or mulitple, female body part(s)
- animation prefered
… ok, not REALLY, but if I had things my way … =)
I’ve just seen Rev’s new footer. It’s done my head in when I rolled over it. =)
rev used an avatar like this (i think it is him when he was a kid :P), only smaller:
nice 1
lmao Guig0
::::: AnOraK :::::
it´s true! rev used this image on an old avatar…
pretty rev, huh?
Yes, he really did use that as an avatar (shrunk down of course), it was scary.
And to add to what all these other people said about avatars… KEEP IT CLEAN! Nothing obscene or offensive to people please.
I never used <i>that</i> image…
I made my own… anime style…
rev i just saw that you have your little guy in there! ahahaha