Alrighty, I was inspired by the lucid dream thread… let’s start one based on the most freaking awesome dreams we’ve ever had. I can only remember one that happened a couple of days ago, and I’m going to try not to forget it.
Mine is really a blur, without much of a point to it, but I dreamed that I lived in a penthouse in one of the tallest buildings in Tokyo (I’m obsessed with the movie Lost in Translation). The apartment was decorated exactly to my taste - modern look, with mostly black smooth surfaces and some white elements to contrast. I had just had a party and now most people were gone. It was the after party lull… when you put on chill music and relax with the remaining people while you finish the last bottles of wine. A girl I knew from high school, whom I had a huge crush on, was still around and there was some chemistry going on. We all were laying down on the floor talking in a room that had windows from the floor to the roof. We had the lights turned down and I don’t know what it was about that room, but it rotated, and the city looked so freaking cool. After a while, I saw something spectacular - a bright red supernova in the sky!
Man, that was the happiest dream I’ve ever had - it had everything I want to make me feel awesome. I am now a fan of chilling late at night with the lights off, and I swear to god, I’m going to live in Tokyo one day.
So now, your turn - what’s the best dream you’ve ever had?