no, this is not a noob post. I have a game (tenatively, “navigator”). It ulitizes mainly actionscript; I kept it small and basic. That is, there are no symbols on the _root, and they all are loaded in by an init(){ function. My bullet movieClips are stored in a variable BULLET. They also have a direct name (_root[newname]) that I have set up so newname really equals like bullet1, bullet2, and continues to increment as new ones are made. The enemies(circular targets) are simply attached, respectively called TARGET and TARGET2 in their variable’s names. I used trig stuff to calculate which target is closer and to aim the bullet at that target (yes, I wrote my own code.) That all works fine. **My problem is, when I want to hitTest,**it (the hitTest) goes off before they even leave the starting point. I’m completely befuddled now (that’s my word), and I need help. The .fla is here, below.