B3NKobe Says [BYE]

Bye Guys (oh and the few chicks that are here)

   Im leaving the K-Forums for good. The last week or so iv been getting sh!t from some of the members that because I have a high post count im classed as a spammer. Firstly I don’t see how you can call it ****en spam when the random forum is there for anything random, in my opinion a general chat about anything [!] 

I post on the K-Forums because I used to aboslutly love it, I love talking to all you guys, iv made some good mates on here from over seas which has been a great experience! And now to be getting sh!t that I just spam threads is ****ed, I post because I enjoy talking to everyone and seeing what everyone has to say etc. Not to spam, so seriously guys mature up a little bit and get over this whole spam thing,

 Well hopefully there will be less spam now because im gone.