Back again

I think I’m quickly becoming a kirupaforum regular now… one of the most annoying ones who seems to know absolutely nothing about the most basic of problems…

I want to be a computer-whiz when I grow up, so I can have over 1000 posts of helping people…

But until then, I learn everything from you guys who help me. And I appreciate it a lot, you’re all so nice.

So, my problem today…
I was looking at lostinbeta’s site yesterday (it’s beautiful by the way) and I saw something I’d like to learn how to do…
It’s probably really simple and I’m just secretly blonde and can’t see what’s obviously right in front of me…but anyway…
On beta’s main index there is a box of text with a scrollbar down the side… in the center of the page. How do I put a scrollbar in any area of text on my main page, without using Flash?

I’d assume Dreamweaver has some capability for this… but I haven’t found it yet…

If someone could point me in the right direction I’d be a very happy little clam…

:beam: :beam:

Thanks for the compliment :slight_smile:

My site uses a TON of iframes.

You can read up on them here…

NOTE: Only supported by IE3+ and NS6+

wooooooooooo…thank you!

If that’s your eye in the footer: I love you! :slight_smile:
and it’s an eyeZ!!

Oh what a giggle…yes it’s my eye.


Another question about the Iframes…

is it possible to make the background of them transparent? I mean, I know the background is a source file…but is there anyway to make it JUST text?

If someone can help me with this… I’d be truly grateful… I racked my brains trying to work out how…and I haven’t yet found an answer…



Nope, sorry. The background of the iframe is the background of the file you load into it. You can’t make it transparent to see through to the background of the page it is embedded into. Sorry.

And I don’t want to be mean or anything, but your footer height is a bit big, and considering its an imported video, I am sure the file size is too big, here are the footer rules…

Sorry, I really love your footer, it is great, but its gotta be changed :-\ :frowning:

okay…thank you… i didnt know about footer rules, but im changing it all now.

Its ok, I hate to see the beautiful footer go, but its gotta :frowning: :*(