Back button

does anyone know a way to make a back button? i have multiple movies, so a prevFrame() will not work. Is there any way to integrate the browsers back button to go back? Or any way to remember the last swf loaded and revert back to that upon release? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Some hints i can give:

  1. Lets suppose u have 3 Movies M1, M2, M3. And you are loading one at a time in sequene. You need to have one varible say setCountMovie having initial value as 1. This will be used as an index.

  2. Clicking on next button:
    setCountMovie++; // increment index value
    loadMovie(emptMC, targetMC) // here targetMC is “M”+setCountMovie ie M2

so your second movie will get loaded and similar for Back Button just by decrementing values of setCountMovie varible by 1.

I hope this will give u some idea
