Back... i'm still here

i am still here lol… its just that all the work was getting to my head… well its the hoilday and i’m back… my designers’ hub site is not dead… going to change it and get domain i’ll keep you in tune…

if you have any suggestions to what i should add on the site "e.g. site fo the year) please let me know…

um… url?

dreamer, do you need help with hosting or anything? I’d be glad
to lend a hand, I like your site.

PM me or AIM me if you want. Let em know…

hosting… you mean like provide i host… sure anything will help…

thanks alot unflux

no url yet… going to buy a domain…

i have my own server and I can put your site on it. Get a domain
and let me know what you need, I can accommodate.

thanks a million… i will get the domain when i finish the site in about 2 weeks time… i will c how it goes…