Background Colour Change

I was wondering if it was possible for me to change the colour of my background **gradually **using [color=red]setTransform()[/color][color=black]? I dont know how to use it yet. But im guessing its something along the lines of…[/color]

var myVar:Color = new Color(myMC);
myVar.setTransform(Insert loads of rr, rg, rb stuff in here..);

But I want to do it gradually…

From what I remember, [color=red]setTransform()[/color][color=black] is only a tint. Should I really be using [color=red]setRGB()[/color]? [/color]
Thanks for ANY help :slight_smile: .

An example of what I want can be found here : (SKip the intro, on the main site, then click ‘Characters’, choose any of them and watch the background colour change.