Didn’t quite know what to call my post! =) I want to have a background behind the text content! My question is how to create a “stylish” yet not to distracting from the text? I have taken a few photos but the problem is that the photo is not a wide as I want the whole background to be! Simply stretching the photo won’t do as it looks awful! Instead I have tried to create something to the left of the image! Here’s a quick example! Perhaps it shows what I mean! I need some input on how I can create a proper backdrop!
If you have photoshop, you can apply some techniques so you can resize your photos for a subtle yet stylish background.
Select the photo you wish to use and resize it. Now apply a gaussian or motion blur… depending on what kind of effect you wish to accomplish. Doing this will soften the image so it is not competing with the text. Not only that, but this could help hide some imperfections that result from resizing an image. You can also lighten the photo so that the text stands out.
Also that link seems to be broken so I can’t see your example.
do a pixle strech! then it looks trendy…and you make a layer on top of that and boom!
ren here it is
Could you show me an example RenaissanceGirl?
And mdipi.com what do you mean by pixel stretching?
if you can give me the orginal pic i will do it for you. then tell you how. i will make a whole tut acctually!
OK thanks mdipi.com sorry to rush you but do you think that it will take a long time to do?
My attempt at pixel stretching! Is it TOO much for a school website? I want to create something professional, but I think that this might not fit into that category! However, I don’t want it to be boring, rather stimulating and attractive!
P.S. I really like the right part of the image but not sure about the left? Is it bad to just place the text on top like I have done?
Here’s another one:P
Unfortunately the colour are quite dull when I saved for web? Looks more vibrant on my comp.! I know it hasto do with the colour management! Perhaps someone can help me out with this!
so you got the streach! i will do another thing to it brbr though
that looks good, are you sure that it is saved as a maximum?
why not make a mirror image of it on the other side , and blur it just slightly
mdipi.com I saved it as medium! Nonetheless what can I do about the colour problem! The colours were more vivid on my comp! I’d rather have it shown like on my comp! Also what can I do to remove the hard division between the two halves??=)
Ok my third attempt! I need some input on the suitability of this for a college website! Is the text legible? Is the bg too dark, perhaps gloomy??:sigh:
Opps! Forgot to attach the jpg! What do you think?
I like the transition between the pictures but the text is really hard to read.
I don’t really know whats goin on here though, so don’t worry about my stupid coments.
well let me give you a brief! I’m creating a college website entirely in flash but I can’t come up with an appropriate site layout for the college! I have visited other such sites and I have to say that most of them are pretty dull! I want something simple, original yet dynamic and interactive! I have searched for inspiration but so far I have nada! Someone?
“simple… yet dynamic and interactive”
sure is hard to do… interactive things often become very complex, and in my opinion, usually aren’t good for a site (unless that site is to show off the design skills or whatever)
for a school site, i think that a ‘normal’ site is probably better - not to say that it can’t look cool and stuff - but you have to remember that the most important thing in this case will be to communicate all the information.
why don’t you try to make something that looks neat and professional instead of worrying too much about adding interactive elements (whatever they may be… dunno)
just my opinion