Background tile

I have seen a couple flash sites that have a grid background. You know, the little checker type background. I was wondering how to do this is flash. The only way I can figure is to draw a bunch of lines making little squares, but that would take forever. I was wondering if there was some kinda actionscript trick or something so you could maybe make a quick little checkered MC, then duplicate it everywhere. Or should I try to make it in Photoshop or something. There has to be an easier way.
Thanks fellas

i guess it all depends on the person, me i would build it in illustrator using the grid tool. and just copy paste to my desired size, then import to flash, but i’m sure you could use the drawline actionscript code and duplicate it.

you can also take the 5 seconds to do it in flash.

  • Make a long line
  • select it
  • duplicate it (ctrl+d) a bunch of times
  • trim it (select and delete) so the ends are even (since duplicate offsets it both down and to the right - hense the reasoning in making it ‘long’ to being with)
  • select them all again.
    duplicate again and move to the end lined up.

if you duplicated the original line 10 times then selected them and duplicated again, youd have 20 lines. …again and youd have 40… they add up pretty quickly.

duplicate again and rotate 90 degrees. presto, instant grid.

also, if you want a really small grid, you might want to use a bitmap instead.
-open photoshop or prefered image editor

  • make a square document of desired size.
  • draw a cross (or L shape) to define grid.
  • save
  • import to flash
  • break apart the image
  • resize with the arrow tool by draqqing shape points to the desired positions

That’ll do it. Thanks