Background tiling problem

I am following a tutorial for creating an fluid layout but I have hit a few hang ups.
the tutorial is here:

I am wanting to know how I can tile my background. This image I am wanting to tile is made in flash and is very simple a few lines in a MC very basic. this is what I have atm action script wise.

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResizeStage);  


function onResizeStage(evt:Event):void {
  //trace("Stage Height = " + stage.stageHeight,"Stage Width =" + stage.stageWidth);

function setElementsXY():void {
    /*Initialize the start x and y values of your fluid elements*/
    logo.x = ((stage.stageWidth / 2) - (logo.width / 2));
    logo.y = ((stage.stageHeight / 2) - (logo.height / 2));
    nav.x = stage.stageWidth /7;
    nav.y = ((stage.stageHeight / 2) + 20);
    foot.y = stage.stageHeight - foot.height;
    foot.width = stage.stageWidth;
    bg.width = bg.repeat;
    bg.height = stage.stageHeight;
    /*Establish layout boundaries your fluid elements*/
    if (nav.x <= 10) {
        nav.x = 10;
    else {
        //do nothing or give some direction
        //trace("no change");
    if (foot.y <= (nav.height + logo.height + 20)) {
        foot.y = (nav.height + logo.height + 20);
    else {
        //do nothing or give some direction
        //trace("no change");
    if (foot.y <= (logo.y + logo.height + 10)) {
        foot.y = (logo.y + logo.height + 10);
    else {
        //do nothing or give some direction
        //trace("no change");
    if (logo.x <= (nav.x + nav.width + 10)) {
        logo.x = (nav.x + nav.width + 10)
    else {
        //do nothing or give some direction
        //trace("no change");

if you look at the bg. you will see I have tried to make it repeat but oviously didn’t work. So I googled and every one seemed to sugest using some Bitmap fix but I am not using a bit map but a mc. What should I be doing?