and i would like it to do exactly the opposite of what it’s doing.
currently it is set to follow the mouse without using startDrag()
and i would like to apply this to a panoramic view that has several pictures sliding past one another … a lot like lostinbeta’s footer. but rather than sliding to the _ymouse i would like it to go to the opposite of the _ymouse so that it appears more realistic.
set a new mc in the center of u movie, call the instance name “topCorner”, put the code given in ur _root timeline, and define which instance should oppose the mouse movement! :
on the main stage, layer 1, frame 1 I have two symbol instances
“ball” and “topCorner” … ball is just a ball and topCorner is an empty mc. there is no code on the instance of topCorner, the code i posted is on ball and the code you posted is on frame 1 of the timeline.
ball still follows the mouse, more choppy (probably b/c there’s more code it’s going through each time, but it still just follows the mouse
i tried to figure out what you were doing with the code, and it dawned on me that they oppose each other in their commands for ball. so i took the code off of ball which, i’m sure i should’ve done in the first place and it works. well sorta. i’m going to play with it to see if i can get it to work more smoothly. and i don’t quite understand why it works. thank you for your help =)
Hmm, okay, another solution which will work smoothly:
MC.onMouseMove = function() {
this._x = 550-_root._xmouse;//define wide of ur movie other than 550
this._y = 400-_root._ymouse;//define height of ur movie other than 400
i actually didn’t use the code you gave me in the fla b/c it has to be put on the frame and i have multiple instances of the symbol so i would like to have the code on the symbol, although i’m sure i could make either way work. i used lostinbeta’s code b/c it has the easing in it and i took the two codes and combined them.
a really simple change and i really should’ve seen it before but i guess it took looking at it from another coding technique’s point of view for me to see what i should be doing. thank you again so much for helping me with that. i appreciate it.
i’ve attached the fla file so you can see what i’m doing. at the moment it’s just experimental so the imagery is just balls. i will refine it and put real images in there soon and i’ll submit my final product here.
here is closer to the effect i’m trying to achieve. still without the images but imagine each of the balls as a layer of the scene (like lostinbeta’s footer)
first version is up now … i know the imagery isn’t all that much but i will work on it more later, i just put this together in a few minutes before class.