
alright, here’s what i want to do. hopefully someone can help me figure this out.

i have this code, generously taught to me by lostinbeta

onClipEvent (load) {
	_x = 0;
	_y = 0;
	speed = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	endX = _root._xmouse;
	endY = _root._ymouse;
	_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
	_y += (endY-_y)/speed;

and i would like it to do exactly the opposite of what it’s doing.

currently it is set to follow the mouse without using startDrag()
and i would like to apply this to a panoramic view that has several pictures sliding past one another … a lot like lostinbeta’s footer. but rather than sliding to the _ymouse i would like it to go to the opposite of the _ymouse so that it appears more realistic.

any help is appreciated =)

Hey shuga,

set a new mc in the center of u movie, call the instance name “topCorner”, put the code given in ur _root timeline, and define which instance should oppose the mouse movement! :

_root.onMouseMove = function() {
	theBall._x = Math.abs(topCorner._xmouse);
	theBall._y = Math.abs(topCorner._ymouse);

Hope this helps,


NOTE: topCorner should be an empty MC

didn’t work :frowning:

atleast not for me

on the main stage, layer 1, frame 1 I have two symbol instances
“ball” and “topCorner” … ball is just a ball and topCorner is an empty mc. there is no code on the instance of topCorner, the code i posted is on ball and the code you posted is on frame 1 of the timeline.

ball still follows the mouse, more choppy (probably b/c there’s more code it’s going through each time, but it still just follows the mouse :slight_smile:

did i do something wrong?

i tried to figure out what you were doing with the code, and it dawned on me that they oppose each other in their commands for ball. so i took the code off of ball which, i’m sure i should’ve done in the first place and it works. well sorta. i’m going to play with it to see if i can get it to work more smoothly. and i don’t quite understand why it works. thank you for your help =)

Hmm, okay, another solution which will work smoothly:

MC.onMouseMove = function() {
	this._x = 550-_root._xmouse;//define wide of ur movie other than 550
	this._y = 400-_root._ymouse;//define height of ur movie other than 400

Tell me how it goes!

it works wonderfully … thank you so much.

thats really weird b/c i tried some similar code and it didn’t work. i guess you just did it the perfect way =)

thanks again, i appreciate it.

No problem! :slight_smile:

Can i have a look at what your trying to achieve using the code given?

sure thing

i actually didn’t use the code you gave me in the fla b/c it has to be put on the frame and i have multiple instances of the symbol so i would like to have the code on the symbol, although i’m sure i could make either way work. i used lostinbeta’s code b/c it has the easing in it and i took the two codes and combined them.

here’s the original code

onClipEvent (load) {
	_x = 0;
	_y = 0;
	speed = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	endX = _root._xmouse;
	endY = _root._ymouse;
	_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
	_y += (endY-_y)/speed;

and here’s the code i came up with

onClipEvent (load) {
	_x = 0;
	_y = 0;
	speed = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	endX = 550-_root._xmouse;
	endY = 400-_root._ymouse;
	_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
	_y += (endY-_y)/speed;

a really simple change and i really should’ve seen it before but i guess it took looking at it from another coding technique’s point of view for me to see what i should be doing. thank you again so much for helping me with that. i appreciate it.

i’ve attached the fla file so you can see what i’m doing. at the moment it’s just experimental so the imagery is just balls. i will refine it and put real images in there soon and i’ll submit my final product here.

thanks =)

Hey, cool one, but i really get confused when i c a hidden mouse, with some easing objects.

yeah … that was merely for experimentation

here is closer to the effect i’m trying to achieve. still without the images but imagine each of the balls as a layer of the scene (like lostinbeta’s footer)


Thats really cool though, needs more, try improving by adding some pictures.

Good Luck!

lol =) i said the pictures aren’t in there yet. i’m still deciding exactly what i want the scenery to be now that i have the coding down. :stuck_out_tongue:

Try updating in this thread and tell us what did u achieve.

will do =)

Everybody likes Lost’s footer. Hehe, even me… Have you seen Dan’s footer?


first version is up now … i know the imagery isn’t all that much but i will work on it more later, i just put this together in a few minutes before class.

Your footer is good, first fo all, i think you should change your avatar, lol, or even with no avatar, and, the text “shuga”, try changing the font.