Hey all, I’m still learning flash and working on my first webpage at the moment to play around with it. The one problem i’ve been unable to solve is…
When a friend of mine views the progress i’ve made, he sees a “shake” or a “jitter” in one of the imported pictures I have when an action takes place. In this case, i have a Shimmer effect go across the screen, which causes the image at the bottom to shake on my friends computer. Works fine on mine, works fine on many others machines…but not his. I run WinME with latest version of flash, He has 4 Win2k Machines, and one XP machine(he downloaded the latest of flash on all his to make sure)…1 of the Win2k machines messed up, and the XP machine messed up as well…could this be an issue with the video cards in the 2 machines that mess up? or is it something within flash.
www.sierrafalls.net is my website addy if you need a visual to see what i mean. Please help =)
How did you get rid of the title bar and minimize/restore/close buttons? I think I read somewhere that it only works with IE6. Have you tested that with Netscape or any other browsers?
Now for your question. Make sure that the imported graphic is put on a whole pixel. What I mean is make sure the coordinates of the graphic are at somethign like (4, 5), not (3.45, 5.1).
hmm i’ll try that tip =) thanks… as for the window it loads in…thats from the “Borderless Window” tutorial off this site. I use IE 6…not sure if it works in other browsers tho.
Just checked the FLA for where the picture coordinates are…and they are all whole pixels. any other suggestions?
I just checked the site again and it seems that I only get the jitter for the first 2 or three ripples, then I get no jitters at all, even when i move the window around.
If you can’t find a solution, I say don’t lose sleep over it.
Good luck, and if you find out how to fix it, post it here so I don’t run into the same problem.
I had the same problem with the background images on my site shifting 1 pixel everytime a object moves over it. What I found out is that if you convert the image to a graphic symbol and reduce the alpha on it down to like 97%, it somehow stops the shifting. Try that, hope it works for you. =)
great I’ll try that out as well, unfortunately my site runs just fine on my machine, so I have no way to see if it helped or not…but if either of you saw the jitters and are still around let me know if the change helped it =) thanks you guys.
hmm i wanted to test your theory, so I called a friend of mine who uses Win2k and she said she saw the jitters so I did the following :
It was already a graphic symbol so thats done…
Set it to 99% alpha – still jittered
Set it to 98% alpha – still jittered
Set it to 97% alpha – no more jitters…
Haha nice find you got there =P it seems to work fine, tho I’m not sure why, one glitch for another I suppose =)
*btw when I posted that I made the change I had it at 98% not 97%, thats why the following post was “still there” – hopefully if he posts again it will be “all gone” =) *
I think this is one of those vital peices of info that belongs in best of Kirupa. Not because it’s so important to everyone… but it’s one of those things you’ll never find out by reading a book.
Well, the jitters are gone form e when the background is bright, but when it’s all dark at first it’s got two jitters when the loading thing pops up. But my eyes are tearing up from having stared so hard at it. I don’t think you have to worry about it; I doubt anybody will notice the jitters in the darkened phase.
Just in case, setting the alpha to 99% usually solves the pixel shift (never heard of 97% but why not…). And last thing, Macromedia announced that they had solved the problem with their last beta version of the player, I think.
in joshua davis’ flash to the core he says the key to the perfect fade is to never let the symbol get to either extreme to fix this problem, so set the first frame or your AS to 1% alpha, and the last to 99% alpha. works every time.
Yes, the scale of the picture.
For Example: if you pictures is 250x200 and you change the dimensions to 249x199, you’ll also rid yourself of the jumping picture and you can still use your alpha @ 0% or 100%.