Hey all,
As you may have noticed, I’m not visiting the forums as frequentely as I used too. The reason for this is that on one hand I’m pretty busy freelancing, on the other I will try to explain.
It’s something I’m planning to tell you for half a year now, but it never seemed to be the right moment…
May last year they’ve diagnosed cancer for me. There are three tumors in my body: two in my longes and one in my throat. Plus there are seedings (not sure if this is correct English) in one of my ribs and in my left upper leg.
I’ve had some chemotherapy and radiation and the good news is that everything has stabilized and apart from some pains now and then and off course the emotional and psychic side, the cancer doesn’t influence my life that much;-)
The thing that influence my life very much is my foot. I’ve got a wound there with a diameter off 5cm. It originally was a mosquito bit, but because of the chemotherapy it didn’t heal and grew bigger plus it introduced a lot of nerve pains.
They’ve found the right medicins for the nerve pain and with a lot of of painkillers (first they’ve tried morfine, but that made me like a zombie, LOL, now I’m getting methadon and that works quite well) I can live without too much pain.
They’re now gonna try some plastic surgery, so tomorrow I’m going to the hospital for 6-8 weeks to see if my body accepts and reacts on a donor skin and if so, they’re gonna use a piece of my skin. This all should give me less pain, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed!
Although it’s a modern hospital, it has very low internet utilities: there’s a small internetcafe and that’s all:!: so I don’t know how much I can visit the forums, I hope a lot!!!
I’m sorry if I’ve shocked you or spilled your time with this message, but after 3 and half years you became friends in some sort of way and I thought you had the right to know, do with it what you want;)
Cheers, Gert(-:
PS. sorry for the bad English, I’m still learning, LOL!