Ball bounce help urgent please!

Hi everyone,

I know you guys can help me :D. Im trying to create a simple game the obejct is to keep a ball from hitting the ground by clicking (which will bounce the call).

So far (using tutorials on Kirupa) I have the ball bouncing off the walls. ceiling, and floor, with the ground (hittest) which for testing purposes only gives you text feedback and resets the score.

The tutorial on kirupa has you click drag and releasing the ball, and this is cool and all but I think it would be funner if it was based on just a click.

Im stuck :scream: . I dont even know where to start to get the ball to bounce off the mouse click. I had one way but it wasn’t working good at all.

Also I’m wondering if theres a way to have the ball go a random direction off the Mouse click?

I’m using slighty modified code from the [Physics:Gravity] tutorial on Kirupa home page.

The part where I’m stuck is how to get the ball to bounce on a mouse click.
I would like to have the ball move bounce = 1. ALthough Im wondering How i could modify that code to have it move a random amount on X + or - (left or right).

PLease any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.

there was a topic at about this awhile ago, this was it it has some links to go to and someone made a version but it needs improvements, but should have what u need to get started

So you wanna create something like the game in the KirupaArcade? Why don’t you try and get in contact with the creator of that, he might be kind enough to share with you some coding or help point you in the right direction. Either way, I suggest you check the game out if you havent already.


Hey Thanks A lot Im gonna check it out to see if I has what I need.

thanks for your help.

Hey Thanks I’ve never seen the game on KirupaArcade. But I’ll go try and check it out. Thanks a bunch to all who replied.