very simple design… not complicated at all… anyway there’s no pay in this gig, all you would receive would be a copy of the new cd, maybe a t-shirt, full credit, link, and another client to add to your portfolio. if you are interested post your email and i’ll contact you very soon.
if no takers, then simply don’t reply at all to this message.
well, no one would have walked away empty handed from this. if 3 people were up for it even after they understood that it was not a paying gig… then i would ask them all to come up with some ideas and i would forward them to the band. whichever design stood out the most (from the band’s point of view) would move ahead to round 2. where i would then set you up directly with the band, so that you (the designer) could discuss the details of what you need and when can you start.
for the other 2 remaining designers, i would personally see to it that they receive some sort of recognition for helping out. possibilities right now aren’t limited.
'nyway this might be slightly out of topic but
isnt THAT good, even for a simple design - you’ll get something better I hope =)
*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**'nyway this might be slightly out of topic but
isnt THAT good, even for a simple design - you’ll get something better I hope =) **
totally, i agree… i don’t think the band would limit themselves to that exact same layout… if the designers can top that design --we would gratefully appreciate a better, and more unique concept (that matches that of the band’s original vision for the site).
any ideas beyond that site (as an example) are welcome.
Wow i think this is the first time someone has posted work and hans’t resulted in a banned user.
Where is Rev?lol j/k
hed where were you a year ago when i was looking for stuff like this. I’m to busy now but it is nice you do this. There are a lot of young designers here looking for projects like this.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**Wow i think this is the first time someone has posted work and hans’t resulted in a banned user.
Where is Rev?lol j/k**
Hehe, yeah. That’s all because some detail has been given in the first thread - it’s for a band, here’s an idea of what they want, unpaid but good for portfolio - so people (like me) don’t get irritated by a total lack of information.
Hed, thanks for the PM. I’ve replied via email as requested…
no way! thank you all for taking an interest! i started building a site and came to the following conclusion:
why am i doing this? why be something i’m not… why not offer this opportunity to someone else who has more experience than i? and then i thought about the benifits of someone taking on this task. a new client for your portfolio, free goods, and exposure with the amount of hits we expect to receive coinciding with the release of the new EP.
i really appreciate the willingness of everyone involved here. i hope that you can see that i’m serious about this following my replies to everyone and timing. now i’m thinking it would suck to have everyone design something, only to turn around and say to an individual… well, the band really likes this other idea… (that isn’t your end product)…
this may seem like a bit much but i’d like to involve everyone somehow. maybe i can figure something out because i’d like to see everyone get something out of this if even only for their efforts and ideas…
i have your e-mails so i’ll send the info, pretty much everything you would need to know and then you can truly decide if this is something you would definitely be into, or something that you can handle.
thanks again. i know i haven’t posted anything about the band but i feel that it should be exposed only after we (myself and the designers) reach some agreement via e-mail.
p.s. sintax321, haha a year ago i was starting my first day of college at a “music” school of all places (originally i wanted to go to college for web design)… i only recently hooked up with this band and now i’m doing everything i can to help them mature into something recognizable to everyone.
who knows, if everything works out later i might return to you all with another project, this time with a settlement of some sort… yes pay!