I’m looking for a tut on bandwidth detection. You know the kind. If you are on a DSL or better you get taken to the High bandwidth site and if you are on dial up [it laughs at you] it takes you to a smaller site.
I have looked on a few forums but not found anything. :hangover:
Also, I have a client that wants to be able to see exactly how many people are on his site at any given time [Not how many hits he’s getting].
So, if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate that.
Originally posted by Kel - 420 *
** if you are on dial up [it laughs at you] it takes you to a smaller site.*
LOL!! That was funny… ok sorry. I’m not really sure about your first question, but I don’t really think that it is a good idea, even if it is possible. Some people that are on higher speed access may want to see the smaller site anyway. You should have two options on a splash page “Enter Large Site” or “Enter Dial-UP Site because I am too cheap to buy something faster or I live in Canada and they don’t offer it here”