Banner Critique

what do you think? i know it sucks! any input on improving it is welcome!


its a good start, simple and clean…what is the banner for?

Thanks :slight_smile: it’s meant to be nice and clean, it’s for my work, I’m adding a new section to our Intranet that will serve as guide to the city and will contain info on useful stuff like where the restaurants are, polica, hospitals, theaters, cinema etc etc… and i wanted to create a banner for the section, this is one of them, i also wana do 2-3 more different ones and have them change every refresh, so that no one dies of bordom :slight_smile:


as a simple banner, its great - and nice quality too. the two opposite parenthesis (no idea what else to call them) was a great idea.

But if you’re going to make it a site layout basis, i suggest adding more around it. dont’ add to it, just around it.

What do you mean by add around it, around the parenthesis or around the outer images…and add what, effects? brushe strokes??