Base64 decoding and converting to xml

Hi frnds,

I am working on a task where I have to convert the Flex application to HTML5.

I am stuck at the very first step where the Flex application is provided a Base64 encoded string and application converts it to xml. (The Base64 encoded string is XML)

Following is the code used in Flex


This is the function in Flex used to convert Base64 encoded string to XML.

toXML(input:String, uncompress:Boolean = true):XML
    var xml:XML;
    var arr:ByteArray = Base64.decode(input);
    if(uncompress) arr.uncompress();
    arr.position = 0;
    xml = new XML(arr.readUTFBytes(arr.length))
    return xml;

I could find the base64Decode function in JQuery but how should I convert the decoded string to XML. I have been searching all over the net but could not find anything.

Any help is appreciated.