what I want to know is how to get the lines to “draw” themselves. It’s an effect you see all over the place yet I was never able to figure it out.
I guess if I wanted to have a line appear to “draw” itself across a vertical axis it could easily be done using a mask or a shape tween…but what about a rounded square ? how would I get the line to curve at each corner ?
I’m sure there a very easy and stupid way to do this!
you can achieve this effect three ways with a masked animation, a add motion guide animation and a shape tweening animation i think that the easiest and fastest way is with a mask, then again everyone works diffrently well play around and see what you can make good luck
another way to do this would be to draw out the image that you want, be it a part of an interface or whatever. Then after its all drawn out create as many key frames on that layer that you care to have the animation last. Goto the first keyframe and delete everything (so essentially we are going to make it appear as though its being created over time when what we are actually doing is deleting less and less of it as time progresses) then frame 2 and delete everything but the part where you want the line to start. And so on…this way is a little more time consuming but you can get nice timing results when its applied well.