Basic Dynamic Image Loading!

Forgive me if this has been asked before, but I didn’t see any identical posts…

I want to create a basic movie to load in 3 .jpg files and simply alpha tween between them.

I have been trying the loadmovie function, but not getting it to work for me.

Any ideas?

Your help will be much appreciated!

try making each seperate .jpg on a .swf if u use the loadmovie part. then make a MC where you want the movie to load. (top right corner is usually the best place for them.) then just have a button loading the .swf with whatever jpg. in the .swf with the jpg in it, make an alpha tween. then for 3 buttons to load 3 swf’s. make it this for 1 of them then repeat for the next 2 changing the names.

on (press) {
loadmovie(“jpg1.swf” , “_root.NameoftheMCwhereyouwantthejpgtoload”)

**keep all files in one folder…

Have a look a this tut


Cheers guys.

I’ll give that a go.

I really want the images to change without a keypress though. So they alpha-tween in and out without any need for a Keypress. :wink:
