hey guys!
Having some trouble here, I’m trying to make a real simple flash menu, and I am using the “Squirrel Finder”-tutorial as a base.
Problem is, when I trace my variables desc and swfURL they are correct, and the numbers on the buttons work fine as well, only when I click on the buttons all of them point to the last post in my XML, ie buttons 1,2,3,4,5 all point to swf 5. Hard to explain, and here’s the code I am having trouble with. Don’t know if I make myself clear enough to receive help :disco:
function skapaMeny(menu_xml) {
var proj:Array = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<proj.length; i++) {
var desc = proj*.firstChild.childNodes;
var swfURL = proj*.firstChild.nextSibling.childNodes;
var menuProj_mc = attachMovie("menuButton_mc", "menuButton" + menuItemCount, menuItemCount);
menuProj_mc._y = menuItemCount * menuItemSpacing;
menuProj_mc.button.onRelease = function() {
loadMovieNum(swfURL, menuItemCount);
menuProj_mc.menuNumber_txt.text = i + 1;