Be my friend

it very recently occured to me, how few friends i actually had. im counting three right now, but maybe i cant count…or…GASP!!! could it be that i have no friends because i cant count? the possibilities are endless it seems.
the thing says random so im going to fill this little space with as much ignorant random babble i can come up with. speaking of babble i remember reading a dilbert cartoon where dogbert is teaching you how to stop someone from babbling. and theres the guy next to him and his speech bubble continuously says babble and then dogbert breaks his watch. ahahaha the good old days. so everyone who wants to be my friend say… DVD. everyone who doesnt want to be my friend either say DVD or say nothing at all. but there isnt going to be any personal profile here. im not one for profiling. maybe i should change my name to…THATS IT!!! I NEED IDEAS FOR A NAME CHANGE! PERFECT!

fezzie has left the thread(but not out really just out of this thread)


ack, I mean, yes I’ll be your friend hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

mph…the things people do to make friends nowadays.:stuck_out_tongue:

wow…only 18 years old… you must be made for life! it pays to have genius friends

Well…you see most of my genius friends right here in Random =) Quite strange considering I am probably the opposite of a genius in many ways hehe.

actually i was referring to myself having a genius friend(you cant take it back now you already said dvd) and it pays to have genius friends because you never know, sometimes the most unlikeley people are the ones that get you into MIT or caltech or such
mph hahahaaaaaaaahhahaha:) i crack myself up

{confused} (proves my point from above post quite nicely hehe)

i’ll be your friend … … [SIZE=1]but you have to pay me $5 a week to be seen in public with you[/SIZE]

lol j/k :wink:

i only charge $3 …

haha. i just love finding a great deal.:bad:

Not only is this solid spam, its dripping it its own juices too…

we-ell its not really spam, more like boredom, but on another note, ive reached my post quota for the year:)

in the good spirit of not starting a new thread for each question, does anybody kno how to work linux? i have a bunch of questions

on another note, whats your favorite simpsons episode? i love the one where homer goes to space with an inanimate carbon rod and when he comes back they have a parade for the rod. and the one where i think it was lisa saying something about homeless children and toys and homer goes i see what youre saying… i need a gun. thats what i had intended for the thing under my avatar, but i woldnt fit

not another simpson’s episode thread hehe :slight_smile: Look a few pages into Random, and you will see several Simpsons threads! I think you’ll find a thread related to the best Simpsons quotes and/or best episodes. :asian:

Hah they just showed that one with the metal rod… It got voted employee of the month over Homer… LOL

argh! i keep on digging myself into deeper and deeper holes. maybe i should have some of my threads delted. yea that was a funny one…

i think im a little late


you had to open your mouth didnt you Phil :wink: …now rev has declared this a spam thread…poor fez…