
So I was without my power for a day, I quit my job and my mom just had surgery. But that doesn’t get me down, cuz I got my nekkid 28 shirt!!

YAY! that is so cool, now that i know they look good i should buy one…

Sometimes I don’t now if I should feel happy for you or feel miserable at the “nekkid” sight of you :slight_smile: Right now - I’m feeling both :b:

This is sadly ironic because I can’t be nekkid and wear my nekkid shirt at the same time. Ah the horrors.

kirupa, be happy, it’s ok

oh my god, he really did buy it :stuck_out_tongue:

thor… get a pitchfork one!

Perhaps if you make one :wink:

I didn’t make this one though.
I think it might have been sen?
Ask him

I think the doctor needs to up your medication just a bit…


yeah it was sen who made it…i didnt think you really bought it either, now i did

that is amazing :slight_smile:

I want to get that shirt!

clean your room!

it prob smells like a gym locker in there…



28 = trend setter!

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**This is sadly ironic because I can’t be nekkid and wear my nekkid shirt at the same time. **

You could wear just the shirt… that’s pretty close to naked.

please don’t give him any ideas…

See through shirts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, you bought a naked shirt of yourself, either you have too much money or too little brain cells. . . . . .


I have no money now, and I never had any brain cells, that was never in debate.

Rev - YOU clean my room if it bothers you.

Ethanm - GREAT IDEA!

New Pics SOON!
