Scientists have performed successful teleportation on atoms for the first time, the journal Nature reports.
Man This is so awesome, Teleportation… It could happen…
Scientists have performed successful teleportation on atoms for the first time, the journal Nature reports.
Man This is so awesome, Teleportation… It could happen…
thats pretty nifty but count me out.
I just recently watched the fly again.
that poor poor bastard.
BTW I realized how disgusting that movie really was.
That is pretty cool, imagine gaming on a quantum computer…drools
next time you see a bunch of flies buzzing in one of your buddies’ crib…
you will think of how he “digested” his food…
Wow, that is really cool! Those computers would blow away the crey super computers!
oh f**k that, I wouldn’t go near the thing.
You know those syringes they use in Star Trek, they just press it against the person and it goes pssfffttt. Well they had those and they were using them in Africa as a trial run. At first there was benefits but eventually patients began to develop skin abnormalities because of the things. It didn’t stick a needle into your skin, it used pressurised air to push the substance right through your skin and this is why it caused abnormalities.
Can you imagine the side effects of being transformed
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