Been a looooong time since I posted


I’m sure no one remembers me, but Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

I have been really tied up with school, but I did finally put together a flash site. It is not fancy but with what I have learned from Kirupa I did get something to show what I have learned. I am going to put up a credits page as soon as I get time.

I am not sure if this is the appropriate forum to ask this question, but I will attemped it and if I am in the wrong forum for this can someone redirect me?

Action script is similar to javascript, this is why I am posting here.

I am using a calendar script written by:

I have already emailed him and asked how to deactivate past dates (greying them out, so they are not clickable), but I have not recieved a response yet.

I put it up here:

I have attached the .js files

Again, please forgive me if I am in the wrong forum, but all of you have been so very helpful in the past, I thought I would try here for advice.

here is my flash site. I know it’s not much, but I have not been at it too long. Thanks “Flex” for the buttons, I love them, they are too cool:)

ok that worked:)

thank you,