beginGradientFill(filltype, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix) - help

im creating a web-site totaly from actionscript and no symbols, so i need to draw everything with as…

the problem is, that i do not know how the beginGradientFill function completely works with flash…

i know that:

  • type = liniar or radial
  • colors = an array of the colors being used
  • alphas = an array of the alpha’s being used with the colors

but i do not know how the ratio and matrix works… can some one help me on this one… (plz, do not redirect me to the reference, done that)

also, keep in mind that im dutch, so dont use hard english words :slight_smile:

thx in advance

Did you try this: It’s quite good :slight_smile:

Edit: Wow, 5000 posts!! :beam:

WOOHOO! happy 5k :beam:

btw, RvGaTe, if you dont know how to use a transformation matrix, stick to the matrix typ with x,y, and rotation etc. Its a more intuitive version of its use

good to know, but how… i dont know what to fill in…

*Originally posted by senocular *
WOOHOO! happy 5k :beam:
:love: :love: :bu: :bu: :thumb: :crazy: