(beginner) Help Loading Movies

I followed the preloader tutorial on this site and I got that all working then I followed the load image tutorial, now I was wondering if with this code could be altered so it loads an external swf file instead of an image, if so how do I edit it?

var imageLoader:Loader;

function loadImage(url:String):void {
preloader.visible = true;

imageLoader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageLoading);
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);


function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
preloader.visible = false;



function imageLoading(e:ProgressEvent):void {
var loaded:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;