Hello everyone,
I am in 1st year robotics at university and currently learning c++. I’m an avid programmer, so I started designing my own games even though I’m still learning the language.
A game in progress is a turn based strategy. Basically something like a tactical rpg, where you move units. Currently the AI is non-existant and static. But I am hoping someone might know of a resource I could make use of that lists tips and even steps to programming a simple AI.
I’m hoping to create something where the computer can move the units based on unit type and nearby units. I was thinking of using if statements and random functions to accomplish this. However, I am unsure of how to make the computer aware of the players unit locations and nearby units. Such as if there is a unit to the left, it should probably attack this unit.
Thus, I’d appreciate any advice, or thoughts on how you approached AI problems when you began programming!