What do you guys think would be best piece of jewelry to give to a girl that would say “Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. You’re an awesome friend. I love you”
I’m looking to spend probably around $50-$100
What do you guys think would be best piece of jewelry to give to a girl that would say “Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. You’re an awesome friend. I love you”
I’m looking to spend probably around $50-$100
I would say a necklace.
Unless you know her taste in jewlery really really well then I would say “other”. Earrings are probably the safest form of jewlery if you really want to go that route. Otherwise I’d say one of your favorite books or a gift certificate or make her dinner. Dinners don’t have to be romantic, but doing something really nice for her will show her you care.
Lunatic - The gift is going to be a part of a weekend I’m planning, I’ve got all the stuff she loves all planned out =) Thing is though, she doesn’t wear much jewelry, so I don’t have a good read on what she’d like. In fact, now that I think about it, I’m not even sure if she has pierced ears anymore; she did a while back, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear earings, so I’m not sure if she still does.
(I would post my plans for the weekend, but she sometimes drops by here, so I don’t want to ruin the surprise :P)
Rings are not for friends IMO, Bracelet or ear rings wld be safest if you go down the jewellery route.
Best way to impress/say thanks to a girl, write a letter explaining how much it meant. My g/f loves it when I do that. May sound cheesey, and invoke some stick from your buddies, but it goes down well.
Yeah, my vote for ring was stupid. Go for the necklace. You can’t go wrong with that. :thumb:
I would get a really nice cross necklace if she’s a Christian… (those are hard to mess up on, get a small simple [NOT GAUDY!!!] one considering she doesn’t wear much jewlery.)
That’s the one thing I know she already has, so good idea, anything else you can think of along those lines?
Do these look good to you guys? Or do they look ugly?
I’m still looking, but these kind of caught my eye.
Also was looking at:
(They’re doing a buy one get one free on gold/silver stuff, so I could get her this plus one that’s thicker for the price of one.)
[neither are in my original price range, but I think if I find something really nice I’d be willing to go over it by a fair amount]
I like the last one… :thumb:
Hmm, well I think the first two are a little too gaudy. I know the type of necklace as the third one and it’s very uncomfortable. :\
Hmm, I’ll keep looking. After thinking for a while, maybe something that has her birth stone in it?
… i voted bracelet, although if you like her then go with necklace. But, both give the freind feel bracelet a tad more.
Middle one is awsome! Cool colors and a not-standing-out-ish chain
No I agree that they are a bit gaudy, unless you regularly see her wearing big jewelry pieces with bright colors like that.
Time to come clean bradley - is this a friend friend or a romantic interest? Because nice pricey jewelry isn’t really appropriate for a friend friend. My :2c: anyway. Where are all the girls on this forum to pipe in?
You do realize… she browses the forums… lets not ask.
I don’t mean to be rude, but is she just a normal friend or a “special” friend?
If she’s a normal friend, and especially if you fancy her, I wouldn’t get jewellery - you’ll seem too eager. That’s just me.
Otherwise, bracelet
the blue dragonfly necklace looks pretty good:)
btw, i went for other. friend, eh? how about the "I love you part?"
what do you think she’d like?
Luni - Yes, I still have feelings for her, but I can’t act on them. She was devastated after she moved and after I broke up with her (moronic, but I thought it was best for both of us because we were so far away from each other) but she’s doing a lot better now. That’s all I really want is for her to be happy. We’re still best friends (amazingly after I was such a prick to her) and she’s always been there for me.
The bracelet/necklace is going to be a birthday present. The weekend is just because she’s coming home for the weekend (to go with me to my prom… as friends) and I want to make her first trip home in a long time special. (The weekend just happens to be within a week of her birthday)
What would you recommend besides jewelry?
editted to clarify
[I think I went into too much detail though…]
I’d say bracelet…just seems more informal neckalce and ring kinda imply more than friendship, bracelet is very informal but shows that you care.
Defintaley a toss up between necklace and bracelet
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