BEST fullscreen flash website


i’m looking for the best fullscreen website , made with flash…

someone have good adress ? :slight_smile:

There are so many full screen websites… what exactly you like in them to see ?

alignment (positioning), nav ??

Wrong thread but this is… here only should post actual websites… if you are lookig for them post them in random…

i search websites like tronic studio:

  • full brownser or fullscreen popup

  • big fullscreen pictures in background

  • all “modules” ( news, portfolio,etc…) on this picture, with a clean, or minimalist way…

  • original navigation and/or effects can be funny :slight_smile:

Personally, I like’s background use.

why does it have to be fullscreen… any website can be converted to fullscreen… you’re limiting your vision for whatever you’re tryin to get a feel for

there was some site, that had a mountain and a tunnel and a train, and little things would go on in the background…i can’t…remember…

thanks all ! there are cool link here ! :slight_smile:

AgAIN !!

this is the best one to me yet.

65 Media: meh i could go on…

good find :slight_smile:

62media don’t work ? :frowning:

i know soleilnoir…it’s one of best websites i ever seen ! :slight_smile:

I think is really cool and simple. Great consept for a full screener. I really like too.

I like the big brightness of it.

this ones kinda kool

The link takes you to 62 media, heres 65

^ for sure! :smiley:

i like bleed :slight_smile:

i already know oringe, ( with his famous flash 8 blur effect :wink: )

another fullscreen site website ?

( i found :, i like a lot too )