Best Thread Ever :lol:

that is absolutely hilarious.


that is fantastic, made my day.

It would be great if dirtydigiton came back with a finished movie. :smiley:

Now thats dedication! :thumb2:


Yeah, would’ve been even funnier if the answer was yes. 3 years for a punch line, classic :hugegrin:

04-27-2003, 04:15 PM
“oh ya and I’ll probably be done on tuesday…of 2006”
im going to hold you to that

03-19-2006, 12:10 AM
is it done?

:lol: WOW what a tool!!

[ot]Digitalosophy you came back![/ot]


haha rofl :lol:

:lol: lmao!

I wonder if he like waited 3 years to say that, like he planned.
Or did he really think the person was going to make him the movie lol.

It could’ve easily been faked, and I bet it was. They could’ve just changed the dates in the database…

Either hack or a admin.

I don’t think that nooblet knows the admin of FlashKit well enough to change database stuff.

If you check the threadID’s, it’s pretty old compared to recent threads.

Yes it could have been faked, but why would it?

To be funny…?

lol thats awesome