*Originally posted by mariofan *
**super monkey ball is a great example of what a modern game should really be… **
Sorry if I’m being rude, it’s not my intention, but, isn’t that game super duper crap? I mean, it looks baby-ish, no?
Just like Animal Crossing (or something like that).
No one else has said “your game sounds stupid” or “like crap” to anyone else - so let’s not start that ok. You are to post your favorites… If you agree with someone great, if you dont - dont put someone else’s game down.
monkey island
Leisure Suit Larry (almost all)
C&C - except Tiberian Sun
Title by Sierra (cant remember the name) Manny and Meche Colomar…the guy was the grim reaper… AWESOME and funny. I’ll have to think about it.
Half Life
Soldier of Fortune (2 only)
Deus X
System Shock 2 - AWESOME
The incredible Machine
Splinter Cel
This is great. I have a good number of friends who play video games all the time and for the most part we all like the same kind of games - sure we all have our favorities but on the whole we’re pretty much in agreement.
Then I come here and look at the amount of different games that everyone else likes and it’s just crazy. Games that I havent even heard of are peoples favorites and that just makes me want to go out and find them and at least try them once. I mean if they are someone’s favorite game they have to be pretty good…
*Originally posted by twilight *
A good story line beats good graphics anyday
ummm i prefer good gameplay over graphics or story, if its not fun or interesting its no good IMHO, its outrageous i dont understand why people think great graphics means its a great game, i dont want to start a console war but i get this alot from co workers they have a xbox and say man psx2 sucks cause its inferior in the graphics department or the specs i honestly could care less about the graphics hell why do you think the game boy is still around??? it has fun games to play not great graphics good games and the portability thats why the game boy is a success and will continue to be until some other company comes in and gets a better handheld and all the games the game boy has and then some
i like to remember the old days of gaming - but every time i go back for more - the same games i used to love and worship dont actually feel that special no more - they are too easy, they are too predictable and mostly they are full of lots of bug (why did we put up with this). Apart from true classics that never die or age, most old games should just be fondly remembered, not replayed…
just me thinking… oh ****, i better go have a blast on elite…
Has neone ever player shining force, landstalker or mean bean machine on the genesis/megadrive, those were some classic games. Mean bean machine was really fun i thought!!!
cool its a real good game, hence the re-release on gamecube prob :D, i been tempted to get a gamecube cause marios, zelda etc rock, but feel weary after the n64 just went dead and i only ever found a few quality games on it (Zelda,Goldeneye, Mario, mario cart,banjo kazooie) dunno if i missed any, they were good games but i needed more of em lol i get through lots of games
Oh and ik+ was amazing especially the ball rebounding bonus level, they got really fast
one of the main reason for me wanting to get a gameboy adavnce is to get a link to the past. Me and my friend got quite far then(because of a dodgy old snes) our game got deleted. But we still persisted and started again and got farther. I left the game at another freins house one time and it mysteriously disappeared, so i have still to this day never completed the game.