Best way to incorporate quicktimes in flashsite

hey guys, im a cel animator who would very much like to showcase my cel animation on my flash site. im attempting to do it at
on the animation page. as you can see, it takes a while to load, and the quality is not the best, and im forced to us the fps rate that my flash movie is playing at. what id like to know, is whats the best way to display a quicktime in a flash site like mine? id like maximum quality even if it will take a while to download. any ideas?

listen up goofballs! i know someone out there has an answer. ive been reading through all the posts that even mention quicktime…and thats a lot…and i can’t seem to find my answer…
ok, what about this then, can someone out there tell me how i would go about making a button on my flash site open up a _blank window that is the same size as my quicktime and just plays my .mov file in it?

Well, have you tried just embedding the qt mov into an html and linking it to your flash site with getUrl?

is there a way i can do that so that when someone clicks on my button in the flash site, just the quicktime window will pop up instead of an intire html page?

Yeah - there’s actually a tutorial on here for creating a popup window -

hey thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

You could always convert your QT to FLV and play it without any pop-ups :wink:

well i already tried that but it takes to long to load. check it out on the animation page of

did you compress it?

hi Daniel, i’ve just came back from ur site. And i just wanna tell u that u have a nice site. i would like to know how did u get the white transparent window, coz i really like it, and i wish to put some on my website. If u have some time can u tell me how to get it. thanks a lot! bye

edskey, id be happy to help you out. what window are you talking about? if its the one im thinking of, i think i just adjusted my alpha on the fill.

i tried sorenson squeeze and everything…bottom line, i really want to just have the quicktime in a centered pop up…i tried the tutorial on it but for some reason, the pop up wont load. i think i might have a pathing problem. is there anyone out there that can help me firgure this out?

I guess the only reson not to use quicktime in a pop up is a copyright issue. if it’s flash and loaded within another flash file it is MORE DIFFICULT to download. It was a few years ago when I was researching this so it may have changed, but if it’s any issue it is definitely something to consider.

Hi Daniel, yeah i tried adjusting the alpha of my window an it works, so thanks a lot.
Just a comment about your problem with the quicktime pop up. I think if u use the quicktime pop up, it’ll take longer for ur visitants to load ur movies, and visually it looks better the way it is right now. Anyway it’s just a comment.
good luck!

Those animations are great. You got skills no doubt :wink:

Those clips could compress pretty good , I guess you used wronf compression parameters. Try to go with

video datarate: 1104 kbps
audio datarate: 96 kbps
keyframe: 60
1 Pass Baseline
1:1 fps

If you’re using AfterEffects or premiere, use Macromedia Flash Video Exporter instead. Somehow I managed to get better results with that method (same parameters)

hey thanks a ton alex, ill give it a try.